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The Comings Family Ministry Report for 2023

Every year our Baptist Mid Missions missionaries gather for a conference, and in the course of the conference each family brings a report of their activities throughout the previous year. In keeping with custom, here is the report we presented at this year’s conference.

As we contemplate this report on our 2023 activities, we have tried to remember another year that was quite so full of activity and ministry opportunity. As of this writing we have been unsuccessful.

The beginning of 2023 saw us engaged in two major projects at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp: building a veranda on both sides of the dormitory and increasing the size of our swimming area. Eventually this last project came to include the addition of a water slide, which has significantly increased the camp’s “fun quotient”.

Another exciting ministry came in the form of our new Maranhão Bible Institute. With an AMF grant we were able to purchase audio-visual equipment that has increased the quality of our classes. In 2023 Andrew taught Church History.

2023 was also a banner year for visits from the US. A team from our sending church in Lakeland, Florida came down to help with some projects at camp, and to put on our very first “English Day”. Then a team from a supporting church in Orange City came and organized an outstanding VBS at the Boas Novas Baptist Church.

Another highlight of the year for our association of churches was our annual missions conference. This year our speaker was Jim Leonard, and our churches were blessed by his messages on the Missional Church.

Back at camp the ladies’ association held their first ladies retreat, with over 60 in attendance. The ladies of our state have been a real blessing to our camp, raising funds for the purchase of a stove, a freezer, a drinking fountain, and plastic tables and chairs.

In December the camp hosted its fourth teen retreat. Pastor Rob Ingmire and his wife Becky, from the Pittsburgh area, had a tremendous ministry with our young people.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” In December, when we learned of the resignation of the pastor of the Ebenezer church – a congregation we planted in 2012. Subsequently it became obvious that God was leading us to return there. This has forced us to re-think plans we had made for the next several years. But we are content in the knowledge that God is in this and are excited to see what He will do through Ebenezer.

Michael has adapted well to life in the US, where he is currently studying Graphic Design in Lakeland, Florida. He has recently taken on employment with the college in their graphics department. Most recently he has started dating a wonderful young lady from our sending church.

Nathanael turned sixteen this year and is active in the various aspects of our ministry. Besides his normal school classes, he is currently taking a computer programing course.

We are grateful for the privilege to serve God with Baptist Mid Missions in Maranhão in 2023 and are looking forward to what 2024 has in store.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew and Itacyara Comings


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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