The Comings Family Ministry Report for 2023
Bible Institute | Camp | Church Plant | Family News | Local Church Ministry

The Comings Family Ministry Report for 2023

Every year our Baptist Mid Missions missionaries gather for a conference, and in the course of the conference each family brings a report of their activities throughout the previous year. In keeping with custom, here is the report we presented at this year’s conference. As we contemplate this report on our 2023 activities, we have…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Party, Pizza, Pentateuch, and more…
Bible Institute | Church Plant | Local Church Ministry

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Party, Pizza, Pentateuch, and more…

It’s been a busy but rewarding week since our last Snapshots post. Here are some highlights. As always, be sure to follow our Instagram account to get these updates as they happen. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…