Babylon at Both Ends

Babylon at Both Ends

As I worked through the book of Genesis with my Old Testament Survey students this year, I noticed, for the first time, something quite profound. Are you ready? You might want to get out pen and paper and write this down. Genesis 12 is preceded by Genesis 11. Neat huh? No? Well…let me unpack it…

The São Paulo Stewardess Conspiracy
Funny | Writings

The São Paulo Stewardess Conspiracy

Last summer a team came down from the US, and in the course of their stay one of the men bought a cake from a local vendor at an exorbitant price. When I found out about it, I laughed and told him “Welcome to Brazil!” Later, as we were discussing the day’s events, the group…

Antifa, Groypers, and the Approaching Evil

Antifa, Groypers, and the Approaching Evil

I’m going to start out this article by blowing right by Godwin’s Law and drawing a straight line to the Nazis. In my defense, my intent is not to smear a political opponent with contrived similarities to der Fuehrer (So you like bratwurst, huh? You know who else liked bratwurst?). Rather, my aim is to…

The Irreparable Loss of the One-Room School

The Irreparable Loss of the One-Room School

They are ubiquitous throughout small-town USA. Today they mostly serve as houses, sheds or chicken coops, but once they were a fixture, an integral part of every community. You can still usually tell them apart from other houses, sheds, or chicken coops by their rather unique structure. I am referring, of course, to the one-room…

Language Tools for Short-Term Missions, Part 2: Spotify

Language Tools for Short-Term Missions, Part 2: Spotify

This is the second installment of a three-part (so far) series on digital tools available for people interested in short-term missions opportunities. In the first post we covered everyone’s favorite language app, Duolingo. Now we will move to another app that has proven very helpful to me: Spotify. Spotify? Really? Yes, and here’s why. With…

Vintage Vinyl and Rediscovered Pleasures

Vintage Vinyl and Rediscovered Pleasures

Several years ago I “rescued” some of my parents’ old music LPs from certain death. Since then I have often wanted to listen to them, with one main issue standing in the way: I had no phonograph player. I kept my eyes open, but the cost of a new one here in Brazil was always…