
Camp Update: Two Huge Answers to Prayer

If you were present at one of the churches where we gave our ministry report in 2021, you remember that we had two prayer requests that we shared having to do with our camp: provision of funds to build much-needed dormitories, and provision of a pickup truck that would allow us to haul materials and people to and from camp.

We are thrilled to report that God has answered your prayers in the affirmative on both fronts.

The Dorms

As soon as we returned from the US we began negotiations to purchase the property next to the camp, which includes a house large enough to be remodeled into dormitories.

The house, as seen from the entrance to the property from the main road.
A closer view of the house.

The house is almost 60 feet long, and over 28 feet wide. We will be dividing it into apartments, with one side being for boys and the other for girls. The apartments will also be adequate for families that want to come and spend time at camp.

The Truck

We had hoped to find a truck a lot sooner than we did. We discovered, however, that the market for such vehicles here in São Luís does not favor the buyer. I also felt that I needed a more experienced eye in looking for this kind of vehicle.

Enter my friend Tim Reiner. Tim is a veteran missionary, who was actually responsible for first visit to Brazil, back in 1989. He currently lives in the city of Petrolina, and has a lot of experience buying and selling pickup trucks.

Hanging out with Tim (in back) before our return to Maranhão.

Tim texted me with a couple viable options, and so a friend and I made the trip by bus (over 24 hours!) to Petrolina. There we looked at a few vehicles before finally settling on a 2013/14 Chevy S10.

Front view of the truck.
Side view.

So, two huge pieces of the puzzle have fallen in place. If all goes according to plan, by next week you should see pictures of the work beginning at camp. We can’t wait to get started!


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