The Comings Family Ministry Report for 2023
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The Comings Family Ministry Report for 2023

Every year our Baptist Mid Missions missionaries gather for a conference, and in the course of the conference each family brings a report of their activities throughout the previous year. In keeping with custom, here is the report we presented at this year’s conference. As we contemplate this report on our 2023 activities, we have…

Best of Brazil: Ouro Preto
Best of Brazil | Brazil

Best of Brazil: Ouro Preto

After our annual conference it has become a habit for us to spend some time with a few of our missionary colleagues for fellowship and relaxation. We usually try to chose an area that will give us a chance to see some new aspect of Brazilian culture and/or history. Last year, for example, we stayed…

Antifa, Groypers, and the Approaching Evil

Antifa, Groypers, and the Approaching Evil

I’m going to start out this article by blowing right by Godwin’s Law and drawing a straight line to the Nazis. In my defense, my intent is not to smear a political opponent with contrived similarities to der Fuehrer (So you like bratwurst, huh? You know who else liked bratwurst?). Rather, my aim is to…

Best of Brazil: Gruta da Lapinha
Best of Brazil | Brazil

Best of Brazil: Gruta da Lapinha

The Gruta da Lapinha is a spectacular series of caves located near the city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais. I had the opportunity to tour the caverns a couple weeks ago during some down-time from the annual Baptist Mid Missions, Brazil conference. Here are some of the amazing things we saw:…

Church Plant


Many of you will remember several months ago when we asked for prayer for a unique opportunity that had arisen for the Ebenezer church to purchase a prime piece of real estate, located right on the main artery going through our community. In case your memory needs refreshing, here’s the video showing the new location……