The Life of David Series: Better Not Call Saul
Life of David

The Life of David Series: Better Not Call Saul

Sh’muel leaned on his staff and gazed at the gently-sloping, grass-covered hill in the distance. A group of people stood nearby: a local sheep farmer named Jesse with seven of his strapping sons all seeming somewhat confused, a few of the prominent citizens of Beit-Lechem with anxious looks on their faces, some curious onlookers. Sh’muel…

The Life of David Series: Why Study David?
Life of David

The Life of David Series: Why Study David?

One of the most enjoyable and personally profitable biblical studies I have done in the course of our ministry here in Brazil was a series on the life of David, prepared for the Ebenezer church in 2020. Having finished the series in James on this site, I’ve decided to dig back into the archives and…