Church Plant | Featured


Many of you will remember several months ago when we asked for prayer for a unique opportunity that had arisen for the Ebenezer church to purchase a prime piece of real estate, located right on the main artery going through our community. In case your memory needs refreshing, here’s the video showing the new location…

…along with a picture pinpointing the property.

The asking price for the property was R$165,000 (that comes out to about $33,000 in US dollars), a good price, but way more than the Ebenezer congregation had on hand. The owner wanted the money up front, and was unwilling to allow the church to pay over time.

We asked you to pray, and many of you did. We challenged you to participate financially, and many of you did as well. As of the beginning of this month, there were R$30,000 (roughly $6,000 US dollars) in the church’s property fund. We were praising God, but recognized that there was a long way to go.

But we serve a God with unlimited resources, and because of that I am writing to tell you that as of right now, we have all the money necessary for the purchase of the property! God used anonymous donors, donors who heard about the project from interested third parties, and funds that exist to support church-planting works in Brazil to take us over the top.

On Sunday we shared the news with the church family, and the joy was palpable. The change in attitude and outlook on the part of the church family, from when we returned in January to now, has been amazing to see. And this special gift from God only added to the new optimism.

Of course we have a lot of work ahead of us. There is the bureaucracy of the actual purchase, and the process of building a new church building on it. But the God who miraculously provided these funds is more than capable of providing for the rest.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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