Camp | Church Plant

Snapshots (and Video Clips) of Missionary Life: Beautiful Butterflies, Bad Caterpillars, and Everything In Between

It’s been an eventful two weeks since our last Snapshots post. As always, you can keep up with what is happening in our lives and ministry by following us on Instagram.

Pizza with two of our favorite couples…one has been married for a few months, and the other is getting married in a few months.
On our latest trip to camp, a couple more beds for the dormitory.
A new sign adds life to the camp entrance.
This particular trip to camp featured the construction of a new BBQ pit. You can read more about it here.
The mortal remains of what is known here in Brazil as a “Fire Caterpillar”. When I accidentally put my hand on it, I discovered the reason for that name.
What my hand looked like after the encounter with the Fire Caterpillar.
This Tuesday we breathed new life into an old tradition at Ebenezer: Men’s Running Night. Lots of good fellowship. Also…I’m out of shape.

We have a few video clips this week. First up, some lovely butterflies Itacyara filmed in our yard:

Last Sunday I played one of my favorite choruses for prelude at Ebenezer, accompanied by the ever-talented Alisson:

Finally, while making the BBQ pit I learned a new skill:


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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