Snapshots of Missionary Life: VBS, Preaching, Camp Work, more…
Camp | Church Plant | Family News

Snapshots of Missionary Life: VBS, Preaching, Camp Work, more…

Here are some pictures that have been featured on our Instagram account over the past week. For up-to-the-minute updates, be sure to subscribe! ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links…

Ministry Update: New Co-Pastor at Ebenezer
Church Plant

Ministry Update: New Co-Pastor at Ebenezer

Since 2015 Alex, Liang, and their family have been an integral part of the Ebenezer congregation. We have watched them grow, serve, handle extreme difficulties, and minister to others. Alex is a gifted teacher of the word, and has constantly been deepening his theological education over the years through correspondence seminary courses. For the above…

Ministry Report: 2022 Carnaval Retreats
Church Plant

Ministry Report: 2022 Carnaval Retreats

Brazil’s annual Carnaval celebration was once again rather muted this year, due to Covid (silver linings, etc). However, our churches continued their tradition of using the days off to get together for spiritual refreshment and fellowship. Itacyara and I were able to participate in two of them. Since Ebenezer had nothing planned for Monday, we…

Ministry Update: Nine Years of Ebenezer
Church Plant

Ministry Update: Nine Years of Ebenezer

Last week the Ebenezer church celebrated nine years of existence since we began the work back in 2012. Our hearts are filled with joy as we reflect back on all that God has done since those early days. Here are some pictures from the anniversary conference. A highlight of the conference was the presentation by…

Ministry Update: Videira Construction
Church Plant

Ministry Update: Videira Construction

The Videira Congregation is one of our sister church plants in Maranhão. For several years they have had a piece of property and been hoping to build. At the beginning of this year Itacyara and I were able to secure some funding for them, and they began the construction process. Here are some pictures. We…

Ministry Update: More Ebenezer Construction
Church Plant

Ministry Update: More Ebenezer Construction

I was going to post some other news this week, but then I got some more pictures from the Ebenezer remodeling project that I just had to share. Pastor Francivaldo and the members of Ebenezer Baptist Church are to be congratulated for their initiative and dedication to making the physical plant of the church as…