Camp Wish List for 2023
The following are some items that we hope to acquire for the camp in the months to come. If you are interested in helping us with any of these projects, this page explains how to make donations. These items are listed more or less in order of urgency. All price tags are approximations, and subject to change given the uncertainties of currency exchange.
Phase Two of the Dorm Construction
We are currently moving ahead with Phase One, which will give us a functional dormitory. For Phase Two, we would like to build a veranda around the current structure, which will add to comfort as well as increase the sleeping capacity of the building.
Price tag: $15,000.00
Waterfront Development

In order to make our waterfront area adequate for large numbers of campers, we need to do a significant amount of development, including extensive excavating, and the building of decks with water- and termite-resistant wood.
Price tag: $8,000.00
Other Projects
Ride-on Lawn Mower
Right now we mow the significant amount of lawn on the camp property with an industrial strength weed whacker. To cut all the grass, it takes is at least two days, sometimes more. A ride-on lawn mower would reduce this time to a couple hours, at the most.
Price tag: $4,000
A four-wheeled ATV would be a huge asset to our camp program, allowing us to transport people and supplies from one part of the camp to another. (image is merely illustrative)
Price tag for a used four-wheeler: $6,000.00
Go Karts
The trails at camp are perfect for using these small karts, and they will be a tremendous attraction for campers. We would like to build at least three of these rather simple vehicles.
Price tag for one kart: $500.00
Thank you for your interest in our camp work here in Brazil. We will post updates here as donations come in, as well as new projects as they present themselves.
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