Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Curitiba

Last week I began a special “Best of Brazil” series, highlighting some of the interesting things we saw in our travels at the beginning of the year. We began by talking about Curitiba’s spectacular botanical gardens.

The gardens are not the only interesting thing to be seen in Curitiba, however. Here are some of the other places we visited while there.

One of the more spectacular structures we visited while in Curitiba was the “Opera de Arame” (Wire Opera House)
It is just as beautiful on the inside as on the outside.
The “Panoramic Tower”, originally built by the phone company, provides a spectacular 360 degree view of the city.
And when I say “spectacular”, I mean “spectacular”.
Curitiba is known for being a very organized, very green city. There are many beautiful, well-maintained parks scattered throughout.
And in those parks…capivaras.
Lots of capivaras.
So many capivaras.
Curitiba has been home to a significant German population since 1833, as can be seen in the construction style of this Presbyterian church.
A short walk from the church, we were afforded another amazing view of the city of Curitiba.

Stay tuned for more interesting adventures from our trip.


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