Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: The Botanical Gardens of Curitiba

The main purpose of the Best of Brazil section is to educate our readers about the more fascinating aspects of our beloved Brazil. Usually I find something from the internet, or feature a post from our former Best of Brazil website. For the next few Thursday posts, however, I’m going to be highlighting some of the things we were able to see on our mini-vacation/missionary conference that took place earlier this year.

First up: the botanical gardens of Curitiba.

While by no means the only thing to see in the southern city of Curitiba, these lovely gardens are by far the most famous aspect of the city. Together with our friends Alex, Liang, and their daughters Ester and Rebecca, we were able to spend the better part of a morning there. Here are some pictures:

Posing with the iconic greenhouse in the background.
The greenhouse, from behind.
Lots and lots of lovely flower beds.
A romantic interlude, with the greenhouse WAY in the distance.
Somewhat of a shadow of what Heaven will be like, I think.
Inside the greenhouse, platforms and catwalks as you wind your way through an artificial jungle.
The greenhouse, up close and personal.
Under the archway.
The dynamic duo, Itacyara and Liang
The whole group together.

Stay tuned next week for more of Curitiba.

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