
Winning Battles: A “Military” Youth Conference

One of our local churches, Sião Baptist, recently hosted a youth conference with the theme “Winning the Battle”. The motiff was military, and I had the privilege of delivering the first address: “The Strategy of the Enemy”.

The youth group at Sião Baptist went out of their way to make this a memorable event. Below is the poster they made and sent to all the churches, complete with a picture of each speaker, “photoshopped” into a military uniform.

Here are some more pictures from the conference:

In keeping with the theme, I went in full battle dress (a Swiss paratrooper’s uniform I picked up at a military surplus store in Florida. Each of the teens is wearing a personalized camoflage t-shirt. They also gave me one, which I wore underneath the uniform.

After the service, everybody wanted to try on the helmet!

I preached at our church on Sunday, so was not able to make the second evening of the conference. On Monday, however, the speaker was Pastor Wellck, who came in a uniform that was a little more “old skool”.

Of course, after the service he still had to try on the helmet.

One of the more creative aspects of the evening was a micro marching band that called everybody to worship, and then provided music after the service.

Besides the cool theme, the conference was spiritually rich as well. I was gratified at the response from the young people to the challenge I gave at the end of my message, and they were obviously impacted by the other two messages as well.


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  1. Hey, that was their idea. I was just filming. Besides, “Tico Tico No Fubã” would probably not have gone over that well.

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