
Linkin’ Log: Biblical Narratives, Broke by Woke, Lepidopterist Penguins, more…

Current reading:

The Monster in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson
How Christianity Transformed the World by Sharon James
The Coming of Post-Industrial Society by Daniel Bell
The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock

In case you missed it, here’s an interview the episode of the G220 podcast where they interviewed me about missions, Brazil, and Missionary Max, among other things.

I found this article in Sharper Iron on the use of Biblical Narratives to be very helpful.

Also helpful: this reminder to pastors about ministering those who are “broke by woke”.

I had never heard of Charles Simeon before this article. Now, after reading of how he endured intense trials during ministry, I would like to know more.

A meme that found its way to my desktop this week…

And then there’s this…

As this edition of Linkin’ Log goes to press there is no new Open Roading video, but fortunately there are tons of videos on their channel to choose from…so enjoy one of my favorites:

Also, I have it on good authority that there is a new video dropping soon…so be sure you subscribe to their channel and be the first in your neighborhood to see it!

I’ll leave you with this…


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