Did You See These Links Yet? Be a Lot Cooler if You Did.
Current reading:
The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock
The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hanna Arendt
Arthur by Stephen Lawhead
In the weeks since our last link dump, I’ve accumulated a few interesting videos. So today’s post will be almost exclusively dedicated to them.
First up, my brother and sister-in-law have resumed posting Open Roading videos! Here is their latest, at the time of this writing:
Be sure to catch the first and second videos of this series as well.
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to be on the G220 podcast, discussing a recent article I wrote about the Shiny Happy People documentary.
In the interview I mention the book Becoming Free Indeed, by Jinger Duggar Vuelo. If the above subject interests you, I would highly recommend you read it.
As long as we’re posting long videos, this one featuring Jordan Peterson and John Lennox is worth the time investment. You might even want to take notes.
Musical Interlude: The most amazing rendition of the Turkish March that you will even hear.
Just for fun…
I recently gave a short presentation on Plato’s Republic. To illustrate the slides, I resorted to an AI art generator. I may have gotten a little carried away.

Then my bro Daniel, a commercial pilot by trade, got into the act.

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