Why The Left Hates My Marriage

Why The Left Hates My Marriage

I go weeks without reflecting on the difference in the quantity of melanin between my lovely wife and myself. I really do. Then somebody on Twitter has to go and weigh in on the subject. This week it was a blue-check named Clayburn Griffin, who responded to a tweet featuring non-PC comedian Bill Burr and…

Repenting of Our Sins to Big Brother

Repenting of Our Sins to Big Brother

I feel I should begin this post by saying that I do not watch the steaming sewage pipeline that is Big Brother Brazil, one of Brazilian TV’s most popular programs. I have much better things to do with my time. Like getting a root canal, for example. For those unfamiliar with the Big Brother TV…

Jezebel Waiting in the Wings

Jezebel Waiting in the Wings

The following was inspired by this tweet, and the kerfuffle that erupted around it. From: The Elders of the Ten Northern Tribes of Israel To: The Prophet Elijah Dear Elijah, The purpose of this letter is to express our dismay at the harsh condemnations you have directed of late towards the person of Her Royal…

Play Pagan Games, Win Pagan Prizes

Play Pagan Games, Win Pagan Prizes

I’ve long contended that God has a biting sense of humor. The plagues of Egypt, the talking donkey, Christ’s hilarious jabs at the Pharisees – all represent some pretty high comedy in the pages of Scripture. But even I could not have predicted the exquisite timing of the “divine comedy” that unfolded last week. I…

Hope for Foolish and Darkened Hearts

Hope for Foolish and Darkened Hearts

Arguing for the truth of God’s word is made that much easier when the pagans are gracious enough to do the heavy lifting. In Romans 1:18-32 the apostle Paul describes for us the sequence of degradation experienced a society that has rejected the Creator. As I read the daily headlines, I am always reminded of…

A Letter to My Sons About Race

A Letter to My Sons About Race

The other day, around the dinner table, I had a talk with my boys about race. Here, in the form of a letter to them, is the gist of our conversation. Dear Michael and Nathanael, The time has come, I think, to talk to you about race. I really wish the world were in a…