Bring on the Barbarians!

Bring on the Barbarians!

What do Christians do when “civilization” is overrun by the “barbarians”? A week ago I read two articles, both of them in August’s “Tabletalk” devotional, that have greatly influenced my thinking. The first, by R.C. Sproul Jr., is called Bread and Circuses. In it, Sproul goes back to the fall of Rome, and shows how…

The Missionary Quest

The Missionary Quest

Recently a young lady wrote to me with the following questions: When you first found out you were being called to be a missionary? What are some steps you took to get there? What did you have to go through to become a missionary? Below is my response: 1. After I surrendered my life to…

The Great Commission Revisited

The Great Commission Revisited

1. The basis for the Great Commission is Christ’s authority, not man’s compassion, the vast need, or any of the other emotional tugs we get at missionary conferences. Of course we are to have compassion on the lost, but based on Christ’s compassion–because His authority is the basis for our mission. 2. The goal of…

I Love Flat Tires!

I Love Flat Tires!

After you read the title for this entry, you probably have the sneaking suspicion that I am crazy. I will make no effort here to dispute that suspicion. After all, who enjoys flat tires? They are the bane of the traveller’s existence, inconveniencing the otherwise smooth transit by automobile from one point to another. Yet,…