Thanksgiving at the “Whizz”
Family News | Seminary

Thanksgiving at the “Whizz”

This morning I was invited by the owners of a local English school–called “Whizz”–to give a talk on Thanksgiving. Of course this is a great opportunity to talk about the faith of the Pilgrims, which just happens to be our faith as well. There was a fringe benefit for Mikey, as the event was held…

Animal Kingdom in My Backyard
Family News

Animal Kingdom in My Backyard

As I have mentioned before, our son Mikey is turning into a real nature photographer. Here are some of the pictures he has taken recently, along with the “scientific names” of the animals. ___________________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from…

Mikey and the Monkeys
Family News

Mikey and the Monkeys

Our son Michael, who is a budding zoologist, has been thrilled with the monkeys that inhabit our backyard. He has been slowly making friends with them, and the photographing them. Here are some of the recent pictures he took: ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As…

A Surprise Trip to the US
Family News

A Surprise Trip to the US

If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter you know that I am currently in the US. You probably don’t know all the details. So here they are. Several months ago the pastor of our home church contacted me about the possibility of my coming to the US to participate in the ordination of my…

Before and After
Family News | Puppets

Before and After

During our trip to Petrolina and Treasure Island this past week, I had an amazing experience. I was eating lunch with our seminary team at the home of one of the church brethren. A man and his wife came in the room, and I immediately recognized them as a couple I had met on my…

Michael Comings, Photographer
Family News | Seminary

Michael Comings, Photographer

At the aforementioned puppetry school I gave the camera to Mikey, with the intention that he take picture of the event. Those who know my firstborn will not be surprised at the pictures I found on the camera at the end of the day: A local species of monkey called a sagui. Bird The wildlife…

You Win, Daddy!
Family News

You Win, Daddy!

“When I say ‘three’ Daddy, we are going to race to the car.” This familiar challenge came from my five-year-old son. His eyes danced with the anticipation that once again he would “beat” Daddy in this little tradition we have. No doubt the day will come–and sooner than I would like to think–when he will…