Family News

Crustacean Delight

I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel in the city of Picos, where we have stopped for the night on our way home. Three years ago this was relatively comfortable hotel, whose main advantage was the low cost. Three years later the cost has remained low, but the hotel has made great strides in service–including wireless internet.

We have much to report about our trip to Maranhão, including some exciting prospects for our second term. For now, however, I will leave you with these pictures from our lunch on the beach with Itacyara’s family.

Mikey and I both decided to eat crab the “native” way–pulling them apart, pounding the shell, and extracting the meat. Here is Mikey with his meal.

This is the bowl that was served to us.

This is my crab, sitting on a bed of rice. Notice the granite block and wooden club in the background. These are for breaking the shells and extracting the meat.

Not content with the inanimate crab on his plate, Mikey found the barrel where the live crabs were kept awaiting their fate, and learned how to pick them up without getting pinched.

I have to admit the crabs tasted very good. The only problem for me was that it seemed to be a lot of work for a little meat. Also, one of the sharp spines on the crabs leg punctured my thumb–the crab thus exacting his post-mortem revenge.

Talk back to the missionary: In the comments section tell us about some of your most adventurous culinary experiences.


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