Camp Report: Big New Project and Other Miscellany

Camp Report: Big New Project and Other Miscellany

As the title suggests, we have a new project happening at camp, and we’re really excited to see this finally happen. Backstory Earlier this year we were made aware of a significant grant that had been made available to BMM missionaries for construction projects. We put in an application for funds to build a front…

Camp Update: Another View from Above

Camp Update: Another View from Above

One of the members of the team that visited us last month brought his drone with him, and took some excellent footage of the camp, which he then edited for this great promotional video. Not too long ago we had another drone flying over the camp. You can check out that video here, and perhaps…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: The Old “Normal”
Camp | Family News

Snapshots of Missionary Life: The Old “Normal”

After the flurry of activity that always comes with hosting missionary groups, life has reverted back to normal levels of chaos. Here are some recent pictures of our activities. As always, you can see these in “real time” on our Instagram feed. _________________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry…

FBC Missions Trip, Part Four: The Dunes

FBC Missions Trip, Part Four: The Dunes

As is usual, we provide opportunities for our visiting teams to take a break from their work and see some of the amazing sights that surround us here in Brazil. Perhaps the most amazing of those sights in this region are the “Lençóis Maranhenses”, known to us as “The Dunes”. We’ve taken many groups to…

FBC Missions Trip Part Two: English Day

FBC Missions Trip Part Two: English Day

A few days ago I highlighted one of the ministries our Fellowship Baptist Church missions team had with us this year…namely, a couple major projects at camp. But that was not the only way they impacted our ministry while here. The team also hosted our second-ever English Day – and the first one held at…

FBC Missions Trip Part One: Camp Work

FBC Missions Trip Part One: Camp Work

Since last year we have been planning for the arrival of a large (nineteen people!) missions team from our sending church, Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland, Florida. Pastor Ryan and his team spent close to two weeks with us, and their time here was so eventful that we have to break it down into parts….

Camp Update: Easter Retreat

Camp Update: Easter Retreat

Over Easter weekend the Mount Zion Baptist Camp was used by a church group from the nearby city of Icatu. The pictures seem to indicate that they enjoyed themselves. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means…

Camp Update: Mount Zion Baptist Camp from Above

Camp Update: Mount Zion Baptist Camp from Above

A friend recently visited the Mount Zion Baptist Camp with us, and brought his drone. What follows is some of the footage he got, as well as some other scenes he took with his iPhone. Some points of interest: 0:04 An overview of the camp, with the kitchen/activity complex on the right, and the dorms…