Camp Update: First Ever Ladies Retreat!

Camp Update: First Ever Ladies Retreat!

Ever since we began hosting events at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp plans have been underway to host an annual conference for USAFEM, our regional ladies fellowship. Last month those plans came to fruition, thanks to the determined organization of the ladies, and to contributions which allowed the camp to provide more comfortable accommodations for…

Camp Update: More Porch Construction, More River Work

Camp Update: More Porch Construction, More River Work

Itacyara and I spent the weekend at camp, along with a group of people who went to help us prepare for the upcoming ladies retreat. We came away with lots of progress to report. The Porch Painting the Rec Center Old Man River ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our…

Camp Update: Porch Progress and River Renovation

Camp Update: Porch Progress and River Renovation

This weekend we spent some time at camp, overseeing progress on the ongoing projects. For several months we have been trying to figure out what to do about our swimming area. After several false starts we have found a contractor who has done this kind of work before, and who has given us a price…

Camp Update: Construction Progress

Camp Update: Construction Progress

As we reported earlier, we recently received funding to build a veranda on the front of our dormitory at camp. This will both improve the comfort level and make room for more campers. Last week Itacyara and I spent from Thursday to Saturday at camp. We worked on several projects, but mostly we oversaw the…