First-Century Theological Twitter: A Parable

First-Century Theological Twitter: A Parable

Roman Province of Judea, ca 30 AD The Twitter-sphere erupted in outrage yesterday due to inflammatory remarks made by a popular Bible teacher from Nazareth. Jesus, referred to by some of his more radical followers as “the Christ”, reportedly used the terms “brood of vipers”, “whitewashed sepulchers” and “blind leaders of the blind” in reference…

From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

That title could serve as a summary of my life. Or…it could refer to a group of four intrepid “upstaters” who spent two weeks in August helping us build our camp kitchen. Yeah, we’ll go with the second option. Meet Christian, Allie, Jon and Christine. These two couples from one of our supporting churches got…

Focus Brazil 2019, Part 6: English Day
Church Plant

Focus Brazil 2019, Part 6: English Day

This is the final installment of our report on the visit of a missions team from Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland Florida. Read parts one, two, three, four, and five. The main…well…focus of the F.O.C.U.S. team this year was English Day, an event where we invited people from the English speaking community for a day…

F.O.C.U.S. Brazil Part 3: The Dunes
Church Plant

F.O.C.U.S. Brazil Part 3: The Dunes

This is a continuation of our report on the visit of a missions team from Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland Florida. Read parts one and two. A mere two-hour drive from our camp project lie the Lençoís Maranhenses dunes. So spectacular is this natural wonder that Marvel used them as a backdrop for scenes in…

Ebenezer Sunday School 2.0
Church Plant

Ebenezer Sunday School 2.0

On Sunday (August Fourth) the Ebenezer congregation held the grand re-opening of our Sunday School program. Several changes were implemented: a new time (morning as opposed to afternoon), more time (two hours as opposed to one), and structure (an opening assembly, an hour of class time, a closing assembly). To commemorate this new phase in…