
First-Century Theological Twitter: A Parable

Roman Province of Judea, ca 30 AD

The Twitter-sphere erupted in outrage yesterday due to inflammatory remarks made by a popular Bible teacher from Nazareth.

Jesus, referred to by some of his more radical followers as “the Christ”, reportedly used the terms “brood of vipers”, “whitewashed sepulchers” and “blind leaders of the blind” in reference to a highly respected group of religious leaders known as the Pharisees.

Jesus himself is not on Twitter, but that did not prevent a major social media backlash against what was perceived as a harsh and disrespectful tone. Those who reacted negatively include some of Judaism’s biggest names.

Even some people who are normally sympathetic to Jesus and his ministry were perplexed.

At the time of this writing, the Pharisees were reported to be contemplating legal action.


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