This was a good week for snapshots! As always, you can see these in real time by following us on Instagram.
Itacyara teaching the children present last Saturday for our weekly Ebenezer Kids! program.…followed immediately by bringing the devotional to our ladies society.One of the young ladies in our church celebrated her birthday on Monday…still young enough to put her age on the cake.Picking up a sign for the camp. The first of several.The crew that helped us at camp this week.Looking down the water slide towards the swimming hole.Itacyara has been beautifying the area around the swimming hole.One of our many “jungle trails”.“Comyn” is the original Scottish form of my last name. “Croft” means “farm” or “manor”. The original “Comyncroft” was my great uncle Phil’s sheep farm in Upstate NY. The crest on the right is of the Bezerra family in Portugal, from when Itacyara is descended. On the right is the crest of Clan Comyn in Scotland. Ever since I saw the name as a boy I knew I wanted to carry on the tradition wherever I happened to set down roots.
A couple videos:
Nathanael kicking the ball around with some of the kids from our Wednesday soccer ministry.
Itacyara doing some “essential quality control” on the camp water slide.
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A fun variety of pictures this week. As always, you can see them as they happen by following us on Instagram. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making…
It’s been a busy but rewarding week since our last Snapshots post. Here are some highlights. As always, be sure to follow our Instagram account to get these updates as they happen. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…
As the quarantine tightened here in Brazil, Itacyara and some of her friends had an idea for a video project that would bring together believers from around the world. Over the next several weeks they recruited other friends – from all walks of life – to each film themselves reading a verse from a section…
Admittedly, there’s not much here. We would have many more pictures, but for the first couple weeks the charger for our camera was buried deep in luggage. It has finally been recovered, and more pictures should be forthcoming. In the future there will be pictures of our new house (as soon as the Brazilian Bombshell…
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) Read more about this event here. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) Look…
Back in 2016 we were given a drone by one of our supporting churches. Since then I have been slowly learning how to use it. Here is a video I took from our back yard. In it you can see our house, a little shed that sits to the side of the house, our neighbor’s…