Best of Brazil | Brazil | Funny

Best of Brazil: How Did That Happen?

The following video, taken recently here in São Luís, raises so many questions…and even more when you realize it is a drivers education car!

Never ones to let a situation like this go to waste, Brazilians took to the comments section, and their observations are comedy gold. A sampling, translated by yours truly for the benefit of our anglophone audience:

When I start driver’s ed, I won’t say anything, but there will be signs.

Thankfully in my day they only had parallel parking, if I had to balance my car like that I wouldn’t pass, congratulations to the driver.

Drivers exams are getting more and more demanding.

Let up on the clutch real slow…

A skateboarder getting his license, no doubt.

It was my first day, guys!

He’s just staying there until the rain passes so he doesn’t get his tires wet.

It’s really hard to get a parking place

The DMV will fail you for any little thing these days…


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.


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