Max Moment: Keep Calm…
Source: Uploaded by user via Andrew on Pinterest
The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!
Or so I’m told by their teacher, Mrs. Oliveira. If the pictures are any indication, these students at Twin Tiers Christian Academy (my alma mater) are pretty excited about delving into the adventures of our favorite fictional missionary hero. Click here to find out what all the excitement is about. *Not actual quotes. Did you…
It’s been a while since we have featured a review of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max here. Stepping up to end the drought is Shaun at Bible Geek Gone Wild, who posted a very generous review of the book earlier this week. Money quote: The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max is a fun-filled adventure…
A new series of videos about the book. Backstory, interesting tidbits, and announcements. Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess today!
The following is section of Chapter 18 of Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess, entitled Traditional Values. It features brand-new original art by artist-extraordinaire Zilson Costa. In the previous chapter, our hero spent a day as the guest of the lovely Ilana at a festival of the native Yamani people. Though the day was enjoyable,…
A Hawker Hart in flight. img src In Max’s first adventures on Cabrito, a World War Two airplane called the “Hawker Hart” plays a key role. Here is what the book has to say about the plane: “The Hawker Hart was an airplane whose time never came. A sturdy biplane built by Great Britain between…
A couple weeks ago I typed out the final words in the first draft of the second (as yet unnamed) Missionary Max book. I have to say, I’m more excited about this one than I was the first…there is nonstop adventure, action, and some pretty surprising twists. They were even surprising to me. If all…