Max Moment: Keep Calm…
Source: Uploaded by user via Andrew on Pinterest
The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!
I’ve posted before about my interactions with a group of sixth graders who are super fans of everybody’s favorite fictional missionary, Missionary Max. Until recently, all of said interactions have been virtual, me being in Brazil and they being in the US. Two weeks ago, however, I was able to visit their classroom and spend…
Or so I’m told by their teacher, Mrs. Oliveira. If the pictures are any indication, these students at Twin Tiers Christian Academy (my alma mater) are pretty excited about delving into the adventures of our favorite fictional missionary hero. Click here to find out what all the excitement is about. *Not actual quotes. Did you…
A new series of videos about the book. Backstory, interesting tidbits, and announcements. Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess today!
The following is section of Chapter 18 of Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess, entitled Traditional Values. It features brand-new original art by artist-extraordinaire Zilson Costa. In the previous chapter, our hero spent a day as the guest of the lovely Ilana at a festival of the native Yamani people. Though the day was enjoyable,…
A sample section of Missionary Max and the Lost City. * * * The helicopter touched down, the rotors slowed to a stop, and the hydraulic doors opened with a hiss. Even though he was blindfolded, Cascavel knew exactly where he was. The stench that emanated from the Cabrito Federal Corrections Facility made Cascavel want…
The “backstory” behind the cover art for Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess. Zilson Costa’s site. The Missionary Max fan page