
Epic Camp Update: First Official Youth Retreat!

We’ve been sharing updates on the preparations and asking for prayer for several weeks now, and today we are excited to present our report of the very first official camp youth retreat to be held at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp.

Rather than bore you with details, let’s jump straight into the pictures and video, shall we?

The camp still has no dormitories, so we had to make due with tents. Nobody seemed to mind.

This scene brought tears to my eyes, as I have been imagining it ever since we bought the camp property in 2011.

One of the best parts of camp: making new friends!
A place where young people can sit under the clear teaching of the Word of God…this is why we do camp!
Happy campers!

I love it when people are sitting around talking and suddenly a praise session breaks out.

Safety hazard? What safety hazard?

Our activities director set up an epic obstacle course.
And by “epic”, I mean EPIC!
Discovering new skills…

…like being a human bowling ball, for example.

We were able to put the trails on our campus to good use.

Is it really camp without a campfire?
As always, the sunrise over Mount Zion Baptist Camp was spectacular.

The 2020 youth retreat was easily the highlight of our year. Many people put in long hours and invested large amounts of resources to make it happen. The result was an event that honored the Lord, and helped to put our camp on the map.

If you would like to help defray the costs incurred in making this happen, this page gives instruction for giving online. We are very grateful for those who have already contributed, as well of those who have been praying with us since the beginning of the year.

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