Book Reviews

Reading List for September, 2019: Mistborn, Templars, Old Testament History, and more…

Here are the books I read in September.

White Sand, Volume 1 (Graphic Novel) by Brandon Sanderson

I took a short break from my current theological reading and picked up the first volume of Brandon Sanderson’s White Sand graphic novel. I must say, I am becoming somewhat of a Sanderson fan (Sanderfan? Fanderson?)…and this book only encouraged that trend.

The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

This second book of Sanderson’s Mistoborn series exceeded all expectations. It leads the reader deeper into the Mistborn world, filling in some information from the previous book, and adding more. The author has a way of bringing things to a crashing climax, and then adding a new twists at the end – which you suddenly realize have been building since the beginning. Some of the best fiction I have read in a long, long time.

The Templars by Dan Jones

In this well-written and accessible work, historian Dan Jones cuts through the conspiracy theories and popular mythology to paint a factual picture of the Knights Templar. And in many cases, the truth is stranger than fiction.

I had a hard time putting this one down.

The Pentateuch as Narrative by John H. Sailhamer

I’ve been slogging through this book since July…and it’s been well worth the slog. The author’s main premise is that the Pentateuch should be viewed as one continuous work in stead of five separate ones. His meticulous textual commentary has convinced me of the overall correctness of this premise, although I don’t necessarily sign off on every detail he presents.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

32 hours on a bus helped me get some serious reading accomplished. I know, I know…as a church planter I should have read this a long time ago. In my defense, I have been aware of the content through other writings by Dever and his staff. Still, this should be in the library of every pastor and missionary.

Personal side note: I had the privilege of meeting Dever at a conference here in Brazil back in 2008. I found him to be very down-to-earth and genuinely interested in learning about ministry in South America.

An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books by David M. Howard Jr.

This was part of my preparation for teaching Old Testament Survey at our Bible Institute. It is a good overview, with some interesting textual and historical insights.

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

This is the third book of Brandon Sanderson’s “Mistborn” trilogy. It is also, arguably, the best. The first two books build up to this point, and the final does not disappoint.

If you think you have it figured out how things are going to end, you are probably wrong.

The Hero of Ages cemented in my mind what the first two books suggested: Brandon Sanderson is one of the great fiction writers of our time.

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