Church Plant

Ebenezer Update: We Host the Association Youth Rally

Saturday was a great day in the life of the Ebenezer congregation. Let me explain:

When we returned to pastor the church back in January one of the major needs we identified was for a ministry to young people. With that in mind we began our re-instituted a soccer ministry begun by Pastor Francivaldo, and began planning for a regular youth group. Working with a young couple in the church, we decided to take advantage of the presence of a Bible college student from the US in the month of June and plan a series of events to “jump start” the youth group. The previous week’s Game Night was one of those.

Another was last week’s youth rally, in conjunction with our regional association of youth groups. Several aspects of this event are motives of great encouragement to us. Over fifty kids were present, representing five churches. There was a lot of behind-the-scenes preparation that mobilized many people in our church to help in different ways. The Gospel was preached clearly and concisely, and there were many unsaved kids in attendance to hear it. And on Sunday morning one of the area kids who attended, one of the members of the soccer team, was in church!

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Itacyara preparing the banner.
It was great to see the church full of kids!
I got to unpack the sax, which is always fun.
Marcus, our visiting Bible college student from the US, did an outstanding job of bringing the Word to the teens.

Here’s a short video that features some more snapshots from the rally.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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