Easter at Ebenézer
Here are a couple pictures of what the Easter service was like yesterday at the Ebenézer congregation.
Here are a couple pictures of what the Easter service was like yesterday at the Ebenézer congregation.
We took a quick trip to camp today to pay some bills and check up on the progress. Heavy rains have made for slow-going, but things continue to move forward. In these pictures you can see the columns being put in place in the pavilion, as well as some of the fill being laid down….
On Saturday three young people were baptized at the Ebenezer congregation, giving public testimony to their faith in Christ. Rejoice with us, and pray for Lucas, Adrianna, and Amanda as they continue to live out their Christian faith in an increasingly hostile world.
One of the highlights of the past couple years, for me personally, has been watching Itacyara come into her own as a counselor and conference speaker. She is consistently in demand, and everywhere she speaks she gets rave reviews. No exception was the lecture she gave two weeks ago to the Ladies Fellowship here in…
The Missão Auxiliadora Batista, or MAB, is a Brazilian mission agency that exists to provide infrastructure to Brazilian missionaries working in Brazil. During our first term it was my privilege to serve on the board of this mission agency. It is with great price, therefore, that I can announce that Francivaldo (center), the young man…
English class, that is. (She has plenty of the other kind too, of course.) Last week she took on the ministry of offering free English classes to the community on Sunday mornings. As the little congregation we work at has no morning Sunday School class, she holds them in the church building. This Sunday was…
I believe I have mentioned before that one of our greatest joys as we travel the US on furlough is seeing the people at Ebenezer picking up the reins and carrying on the work of ministry. These pictures illustrate that: the congregation organized and conducted their Vacation Bible School.