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Ministry Update: Baptist Mid Missions Launches Revamped Website
Itacyara and I are currently attending the 100th anniversary celebration of our mission agency, Baptist Mid Missions. I will have more to report, probably next week. For now though, I thought I’d give you all a heads-up for the newly re-launched BMM website. The IT people at the mission have done an admirable job of…
Our Woke Church
As a missionary with a vital stake in the trends that periodically sweep the Western theological and ecclesiastical landscape, I have been following with interest the growth of a “woke” or “diversity” or “critical race” discussion that has taken place over the past several years. If I can be allowed to summarize a very complex…
Snapshots of Missionary Life: Camp Work, Game Night, Soccer Ministry, more…
Here are some of the pictures we have taken over the last few days. As always, you can get these in real time by following us on Instagram. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that…
F.O.C.U.S. Brazil 2019 Part 4: Preguiça River Trip
This is a continuation of our report on the visit of a missions team from Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland Florida. Read parts one, two and three. Of course the dunes are not the only natural beauty to be found in our lovely part of the world. Not by a long shot. Since we were…
Contribute to This Ministry
Tax deductible contributions can be made to our work here in Brazil via our mission agency, Baptist Mid Missions. Just go the Baptist Mid Missions homepage and click on the link that says “Give”. When the menu drops down, you can put our name in the drop down menu, and the amount you plan to…
Ebenezer Sunday School 2.0
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