Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Today and tomorrow I am at the camp property with Pastor Francivaldo to check up on construction, purchase more materials, and pay workers. After our wildly successful work day on the first of this month, we faced two major hurdles: the truckers’ strike effectively killed our plans for a second work day, and several of…

Camp Construction Progress: Columns, Flooring, and Dividers

Camp Construction Progress: Columns, Flooring, and Dividers

We are currently in the city of Fortaleza at a conference, but the camp construction work continues. While en route between São Luís and Fortaleza, I received these pictures showing the latest progress. The links below are affiliate links. This means that clicking and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also,…

There (to Camp) and Back Again

There (to Camp) and Back Again

We took a quick trip to camp today to pay some bills and check up on the progress. Heavy rains have made for slow-going, but things continue to move forward. In these pictures you can see the columns being put in place in the pavilion, as well as some of the fill being laid down….

First Camp Work Day of 2018

First Camp Work Day of 2018

…but not the last! We have another one scheduled for May 31st. As for this work day, we focused on clearing out the area of the creek that will be our swimming hole, cutting out weeds and small trees, and pulling sludge from the bottom. Check out the captions below the pictures for more information.

Problems and Progress at Camp

Problems and Progress at Camp

Earlier this week Michael and I went out to Mount Zion Camp to set a couple construction projects in motion, and inspect some work that had been done. Upon our arrival, we discovered that there are a couple issues with the electrical power at the camp. First, the transformer that serves the camp property is…

Camp Bathroom Construction

Camp Bathroom Construction

These are pictures of the construction of our camp bathroom…the first building to be built on the camp property. I will keep adding pictures until the project is completed, so keep checking back for updates!

Motorcycle Mishap

Motorcycle Mishap

The following is an adaptation of a report I posted to Facebook. I have updated it and modified it to fit the blog format. We arrived at camp on Friday afternoon and set about contracting workers for the various jobs that need to be done. As we were pulling out of the home of the last…

Back to Camp

Back to Camp

Thanks to a generous donation, work at the Mount Zion Regular Baptist Camp has begun once again. Together with Michael and Francielio (a young man from the Ebenézer church) I spent last weekend cutting the weeds that had grown up in front of our property, and contracting workers for the next steps of the construction….

An Historical Moment at Mount Zion Regular Baptist Camp

An Historical Moment at Mount Zion Regular Baptist Camp

After over four years of dreams, planning, work, delays, setbacks, and a lot more work, we were finally able to achieve a significant milestone in the Mount Zion camp project: the very first church activity on the premises. The property was purchased back in 2012 with the intent of being a resource for our Regular…