Camp Update: Kitchen Progress

Camp Update: Kitchen Progress

For the second week in a row I was able to spend a few days at camp, overseeing the kitchen construction project. Here are a few pictures highlighting the progress. Stay tuned, there is a lot more exiting news to come! Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil….

Camp Milestone: First Pastors and Wives Retreat

Camp Milestone: First Pastors and Wives Retreat

As Itacyara and I look back on last weekend, our hearts are full as we contemplate how almost a decade of investment, blood, sweat, and tears have finally paid off in the form of a Pastors and Wives retreat at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp. And as of two weeks ago it wasn’t even on…

An Update from the Mount Zion Baptist Camp

An Update from the Mount Zion Baptist Camp

Franciélio, one of the members of our camp development team, and I went to camp on Tuesday and returned on Thursday. We needed to purchase some more materials for our builders, and shop around for contractors for the next phase of the project. Here are some pictures of some of our activities. One of our…

What Do Missionaries Do on Lockdown?
Camp | Church Plant | Family News

What Do Missionaries Do on Lockdown?

Well, let’s have a look shall we? We study and write. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) We do “honeydo” projects. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) View this post on…

Baby Shark Do Do Do…NOT!!!

Baby Shark Do Do Do…NOT!!!

I love the ocean. One of my favorite pastimes here is going to one of the many beaches within ten minutes of our house. But THIS is why I do not swim in said ocean: This bad boy was caught off the coast of the city of Icatu, which, if you’ve been paying attention, you…

From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

That title could serve as a summary of my life. Or…it could refer to a group of four intrepid “upstaters” who spent two weeks in August helping us build our camp kitchen. Yeah, we’ll go with the second option. Meet Christian, Allie, Jon and Christine. These two couples from one of our supporting churches got…

Camp Update: Let There Be Light! (More Photos Added)

Camp Update: Let There Be Light! (More Photos Added)

Nathanael and I spent this last Tuesday and Wednesday at the camp, where the work on the electrical installation continues. Usually I take Michael, but this time I decided it was time for some “Dad and NayNay” time, and he was actually a big help. For example, he figured out how to assemble the toilet…