Camp | Church Plant

A Very Special Weekend: Ebenezer Retreat and Baptism

This one gets filed under both “Camp” and “Church Plant”, because it marked a milestone in both ministries.

Pastor Francivaldo and I had the privilege of baptizing four believers, bringing them into membership at Ebenezer. That is the main story. The cherry on top was that this one done at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp, in what was our first ever overnight church retreat.

Here are some pictures (and one video) from the event.

You know you are at Mount Zion Baptist Camp when the first activity is finding a place to sling your hammock.
I challenge you to find better camp food anywhere.

Of course, the main attraction was our new swimming area…


Pastor Francivaldo bringing the Word at a Sunday night bonfire.
Sunrise at Mount Zion Baptist Camp is nothing short of spectacular.
Ebenezer’s newest members, from left to right: Pedro, João Pedro, Bianca, and Rodrigo.
I’ve never seen anybody quite so excited to be baptized as was Sr. Pedro.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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