
Camp Update: Camp Work is About More Than Just Camp

“Pastor, what our camp needs is a BBQ pit.”

I’ve heard those words several times over the last months, coming from Pedro, a 79-year-old retiree in our church. Once when I was at his house, he showed me his homemade BBQ pit.

“I could make one like this at our camp.”

So on Monday we took him up on his offer. Pedro and his wife Rosa joined Itacyara and me as we traveled to camp to take care of various odds and ends.

After I picked up some supplies, Pedro and I started work on the BBQ pit. We started at around 3:30 PM and worked pretty much nonstop until 7:30 PM. Because Pedro is the experienced bricklayer, I served as his assistant, fetching sand and bricks, and mixing the cement (a new skill I acquired on the spot).

The bricklayer (right) and his assistant (left).

On Tuesday morning we put the finishing touches on the new BBQ pit.

The artists with their masterpiece.

Of course, time at camp is not all work. There is the obligatory dip in the swimming hole.

Fun detail: Back in 2019 Pedro was in the first group of new converts to be baptized in this same swimming hole.

As far as physical work at camp, the BBQ pit was our main accomplishment. But what was accomplished was much more than that. Itacyara and I had the opportunity to work side-by-side with this wonderful couple from Ebenezer. As we worked, and later as we sat around a pizza, we listened as they opened their  hearts about struggles they are going through, and we were able to open our hearts to them as well.

Before turning in for the night we had a time of prayer with them, lifting each other up to the Father.

After finishing up on Tuesday morning we packed up and left for São Luís, stopping on the way for lunch.

Even though we all had places to be, none of us really wanted the moment to end.

And that’s the thing about our work at Mount Zion Camp. The camp itself is a worthwhile objective…but the ministry that takes place is so much more than the sum of its parts. Indeed, this week was by no means an isolated incident. I’ve had the chance to encourage pastors, be encouraged by pastors, counsel young people, plan future ministries, teach various aspects from God’s word…all as we work shoulder-to-shoulder at camp. And this alone has made it worth every ounce of effort and every penny of investment.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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