Camp Report: Praise your God, O Zion! For He has strengthened the bars of your gates…*
Since the beginning of our work at Mount Zion Camp, the main gate of our property has been a source of irritation and frustration. Low on funds, investing in more vital aspects of the ministry, we were forced to settle for less-than-optimal solutions: first an unwieldy and insecure wooden gate, then an even more unwieldy and only slightly more secure improvised metal gate.
Enter our sending church, Fellowship Baptist in Lakeland, Florida. Their 2023 VBS raised money for the camp, and we decided that it was time to do something about the front gate. The results you can see below:

Bonus: here’s the video the metal worker sent me showing the installed gate in all it’s glory.
* From Psalm 147:12-13, taken wildly out of context.
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