Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: The Serra Verde Express

The highlight of our vacation travels this year, bar none, was a railroad excursion we took on the Serra Verde Express, a tourist train that takes passengers from the city of Morretes, through a mountain range, and ends up in the city of Curitiba.

Having arrived early, we enjoyed spending a little time in the quaint city of Morretes. Some pictures:

After lunch, we went to the train station and waited. Shortly, the great moment arrived!

We boarded, the trip started, and we soon found ourselves high in the mountains, wondering at some amazing scenery.

Of course, trips like this are always better with friends.

And those of you who know me will not be surprised in the least when I tell you I was absolutely delighted to find an HO scale model train layout waiting at the station in Curitiba.

Here’s another video that shows a lot more of the excursion, as well as some other local attractions (the actual train part starts at 8:04). If you are ever in this part of Brazil, you really don’t want to miss this.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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