Camp Bathroom Construction
These are pictures of the construction of our camp bathroom…the first building to be built on the camp property. I will keep adding pictures until the project is completed, so keep checking back for updates!
These are pictures of the construction of our camp bathroom…the first building to be built on the camp property. I will keep adding pictures until the project is completed, so keep checking back for updates!
As we reported earlier, we recently received funding to build a veranda on the front of our dormitory at camp. This will both improve the comfort level and make room for more campers. Last week Itacyara and I spent from Thursday to Saturday at camp. We worked on several projects, but mostly we oversaw the…
Last week our family spent some time out at camp preparing for our upcoming inaugural retreat. (You can read more about that here) In the process, managed to snap some interesting pictures. On the way to camp we saw this fiberglass cover from an old telephone booth (once ubiquitous in Brazil, now virtually nonexistent), which…
This is our ongoing report of the visit from the missions team sent by Fellowship Baptist Church. You can read the previous installment here. On Monday we set out early to do some work at the camp. For over a year I have had a pile of bricks at the bottom of a hill. Every…
Note: This is the text of our most recent newsletter. If you would like to receive these updates, send me a message and I will add you to the list. Dear friends, We have some big news to share with you as we begin 2024, but first, here is a summary of the major events…
On Saturday and Sunday we held our first major evangelistic outreach in the city of Morros. For those of you who are new here, Morros is roughly two hours from São Luís, and is where our camp project is located. About 45 people from São Luís (20 of whom were from our Ebenezer congregation) embarked…
For those of you who have been following this project, we are pleased to announce that the verandas on La Casa Madrid, our camp dormitory, have been completed – front and back! In case you missed some of our updates, the front veranda was completed rather quickly. The back veranda (which is for the girl’s…