Best of Brazil: The Coffee Museum, Santos São Paulo
With the outsized role that coffee has played in Brazil’s economy and history, it stands to reason that there would be a museum dedicated to the black bean. And that museum would have to be in the port city of Santos, which is where most of Brazil’s exported coffee embarked for the rest of the world.
And, as it turns out, that is the case. And earlier this year we were able to tour this magnificent building.

Inside the museum there are many exhibits explaining the process of producing and shipping coffee. All very interesting. But I just couldn’t pull my eyes away from the architecture.

Before it was a museum, the building served as the forum where coffee shares were traded. Kind of like Wall Street for coffee.

And of course, there had to be a coffee shop, with many different exotic coffee flavors available.

If you want to read up more on the coffee museum, their website has an English language page.
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Our family lived in Santos for a couple of years back in th 1950s in a house on a street that went strait to the beach.
I’ll have pictures of the beach in an upcoming post. Did the slanted buildings exist back then?