Home Office vs HQ
Family News

Home Office vs HQ

Confession time: my sons are fans of the Disney animated series Phineas and Ferb. More painful confession time: I have been known to sit and watch episodes with them. One of my their favorite parts of each episode is when Perry the Platypus–ostensibly a household pet–goes through some amazingly intricate secret portal to HQ, where…

God’s Sovereign Protection
Family News

God’s Sovereign Protection

God, in His mercy, chose to protect Itacyara and my sister-in-law Emily from the effects of a serious accident last night. Another driver ran a red-light and collided with their car. As you can see from the picture below, God’s sovereign protection did not extend to the Rav4 they were driving. Nobody was seriously hurt…

The Exotic Wildlife of…Lakeland, Florida
Family News

The Exotic Wildlife of…Lakeland, Florida

Our oldest son has been amazingly patient and tolerant of our chaotic lifestyle over the past month. He has tolerated the packing up of our household, the giving away of his dog, the bohemian living…all because of the promise that when we arrived in Florida he would get to see the animals at our pastor’s…

Father-Son Time
Family News

Father-Son Time

Mikey and I got to spend some quality time in Belem on Sunday, visiting the botanical gardens (which also have large collections of animals) and other attractions of the city. This will most likely be our last post before arrival in the US on Wednesday for furlough. See you all there! ____________________ Did you enjoy…

Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride
Best of Brazil | Family News

Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride

We arrived in Belem this morning. Belem is our final destination before boarding our plane to the US. Our hostess here took us on a boat that cruises the coast of the city. Here are some pictures: Our cruise also included live entertainment featuring traditional music and dance from the state of Para. At one…

Hellish Prophets

Hellish Prophets

The Tragic Fruit of Non-Cessationist Theology True Story #1 Nina Rodrigues is a little town in the interior of the Brazilian state of Maranhão. It is small, but very well kept. The populace is traditional—mostly Roman Catholic, but there are also a few Charismatic churches. In one of these Charismatic congregations not too long ago…

Scenes of Victory

Scenes of Victory

In case you missed it, or are American, Brazil beat Chile to advance t the World Cup finals yesterday. The score was 3 to 0. Thus, at the house where we watched the game, the following scene was repeated three times: For some reason, Brazilian player Kaka is a special favorite among the young ladies….

End of an Era
Puppets | Seminary

End of an Era

Last night was the final presentation of the Amiguinhos de Jesus, a puppet ministry that began sixteen years ago. Incidentally, our last presentation was at the Faith Baptist Church in Juazeiro–also the site of the first presentation “way back in the day”. I mentioned this to one of our puppeteers, and her response was “Wow!…

More Conference Pics

More Conference Pics

Here are some pictures given to me by one of our students of the Intentional Discipleship seminar and Theologcial Conference. Here is another picture of me translating for John A. Stewart. Notice how I am “one with the microphone”. Every day we began the session with prayer for the progress of the Gospel in different…