
The Great Brazilian “Jewell” Robbery

My friend and colleague Mike Jewel received some unexpected visitors last month. Here is his report of events: I was sleeping and heard my dog bark. When I looked from bed I saw a shadowy figure in the kitchen. He ordered me to bury my face in the mattress. He asked me a question and…

Hey, Where’s Perry?
Family News

Hey, Where’s Perry?

Why, at the AWANA Grand Prix, of course! While I have been enjoying the winter wonderland that is Upstate NY, Michael and Nathanael participated in our home church’s AWANA car races. Thanks to the carving genius of a couple guys in the church, Michael’s car was a replica of that used by his hero Perry…

Best of Brazil: Triunfo, PE
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Triunfo, PE

In January our BMM missionaries in NE Brazil get together for their annual conference/business meeting (we are good Baptists, after all…). This year we did not attend as we are in the US on furlough. However colleague Vicki Reiner posted some beautiful pictures of Triunfo, the city where the conference was held. With her permission…

English Conference
Local Church Ministry

English Conference

A couple years ago we were approached by a couple young people from Peace Baptist Church in Juazeiro about the possibility of starting and English-language Sunday School class. The idea was to reach out to the many young people in the community who are studying English and welcome opportunities to practice it. This ministry proved…

Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part Two
Family News | Writings

Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part Two

If you have not yet read Part One, you can do so here. Tuesday dawned bright and clear. I got out of bed and looked apprehensively out the window–wonder of wonders, our rental vehicle was still there. Excited about the prospect of getting to Florida, we bundled into said rental vehicle and pulled out of…

Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part One
Family News | Writings

Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part One

“Andrew, did you park your van in the driveway last night?” The voice penetrating my slumber belonged to Sally, our hostess for the previous two days. We had spent New Years day and the following Sunday at Capitol Allentown Baptist Ministries in Maryland, just outside of Washington DC. CAB Ministries has supported us faithfully ever…

The (puppet) Show Must Go On!

The (puppet) Show Must Go On!

One of the most popular questions we get as we visit our supporting churches on furlough is “What happened to the puppet ministry?” While our partnership with Cícero and Nice ended for geographical reasons (we each moved to different parts of Brazil), the work still continues. With the support of her husband Cícero, Nice has…