How Ebenezer Worshiped Last Sunday
Church Plant

How Ebenezer Worshiped Last Sunday

Like thousands of other churches around the globe, the Corona Virus forced the members of the Ebenezer church to stay at home and listen to the Sunday School lessons and message via Facebook Live. Here are some pictures. Blogger and author Tim Challies has posted an excellent article full of pictures of believers gathering in…

A Letter to Rebecca on her Birthday
Church Plant | Writings

A Letter to Rebecca on her Birthday

Rebecca is a sweet ten-year-old girl in our church who was so looking forward to her birthday party, scheduled for last Saturday. Unfortunately, the Corona Virus stepped in and changed those plans. Needless to say, she was very disappointed. Unable to visit, I decided to send this letter instead. Perhaps it will help others dealing…

Because He Lives! Brazilian Christians React to the Corona Virus…and it’s Awesome!
Audio | Brazil

Because He Lives! Brazilian Christians React to the Corona Virus…and it’s Awesome!

In Brazil’s large cities there is an honored tradition called the panelaço. Basically, what happens is people disgruntled with one particular politician or other will stand at the windows of their high-rise apartments and bang on pots and pans. Here is one recent example: In the wake of the mass confusion and fear surrounding the…

The 2020 Northeast Region Conference
Family News

The 2020 Northeast Region Conference

The first week of this month we were privileged to attend the annual meeting of the Baptist Mid-Missions Northeastern Brazil field council. Besides taking care of regional business, these times are always opportunities for fellowship with co-laborers and encouragement in the Word. This year that encouragement was brought by pastor Dan Mielke, who, together with…

Our Woke Church
Church Plant | Writings

Our Woke Church

As a missionary with a vital stake in the trends that periodically sweep the Western theological and ecclesiastical landscape, I have been following with interest the growth of a “woke” or “diversity” or “critical race” discussion that has taken place over the past several years. If I can be allowed to summarize a very complex…

The Invasion of the Ebenezer Gang
Church Plant

The Invasion of the Ebenezer Gang

Three or four times a year our house is transformed into a sort of camp as kids (and some who have long since lost their kid status) from Ebenezer spend a couple days with us. It is an informal time of tree climbing, board gaming, and food-eating. Here are some pictures of the latest such…

At the Borders of Pain and Suffering*
Church Plant

At the Borders of Pain and Suffering*

An update on the Ebenezer fund-raising “marathon” is long past due. Despite threatening clouds, the event went off without a hitch. Several of our church members were joined by members of a couple of our sister churches at the Itapiracó park. After a word of prayer and some orientation from Pastor Francivaldo (who organized the…