An Update from the Mount Zion Baptist Camp
Franciélio, one of the members of our camp development team, and I went to camp on Tuesday and returned on Thursday. We needed to purchase some more materials for our builders, and shop around for contractors for the next phase of the project.
Here are some pictures of some of our activities.
One of our purposes in taking this trip was to evaluate the effect of the current pandemic on the region. The economy of the area around our camp relies heavily on tourism traffic. As all the tourist spots have been shut down, the region, while not on a heavy lock-down like we are here on the island, is in a financial tailspin. In addition to this, the government is taking more stringent measures to enforce social distancing. These factors have caused us to decide to take a step back and wait before contracting workers for the next steps. Pray with us that we may be able to start up again soon.
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