
Amazing Picture

I didn’t take this picture, it probably won’t win any photography awards, and most likely nobody will “repin” it on Pinterest.
Yet, this is a truly amazing picture, for several reasons.
* It represents men from two congregations here in São Luís–Kerigma and First Baptist–working together at our camp property.
* It was taken at the end of a long day of grueling work in the hot sun (punctuated by a merciful downpour), and yet all the men are smiling. Why? For most of them this was their first time at our camp property, and they had seen with their own eyes the potential of the piece of property God has given us.
* To the right of the picture you can see the trunks of two palm trees. When we arrived that morning everything behind those trees was covered in dense underbrush. All the cleared are you see behind those trees (and some that you can’t see) was the product of that day’s work.
* Behind the hill is a long stretch of area that was, as of yesterday morning, unfenced. It is now fenced.
Yesterday marked great progress in the life of our camp. We continue to keep before us the goal of putting up the first buildings and beginning to hold events–events where the Gospel will be preached and Christ’s kingdom advanced.

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The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!

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