Christmas Program at Ebenézer
Last night the Ebenézer Regular Baptist Church held its annual Christmas program. Here are some pictures.
Pictures taken by myself and various members of the congregation.
Updated with additional photos.
Last night the Ebenézer Regular Baptist Church held its annual Christmas program. Here are some pictures.
Pictures taken by myself and various members of the congregation.
Updated with additional photos.
Behold the Baptist Mid Missions of Brazil missionary family for 2010! Talk back to the missionary: See anybody you know? ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases…
This happened a while ago, and I am just now getting around to posting the pictures. I know, bad missionary. The young people of our churches in São Luís got together and held an missions bazaar, with the object of raising people’s awareness of missions needs around the world. Here are some pictures.
While we are in the US on furlough, we occasionally get pictures of things taking place back in Brazil. Here are some photos of recent “sprucing up” done by the members of Ebenezer. We are thrilled to see how the Ebenezer church continues to grow, develop, and carry on the ministry now that we have…
I remember, as a kid, being at the mall with my parents, seeing some toy or game or other thing that I fancied, and telling them how much I would like to have it. Invariably, they would smile and say “Well, Christmas is coming.” My protests of “But it’s August!” were of no avail. These…
This is one of the most important pictures I have posted in recent weeks from the Ebenezer congregation. Let me explain: Last Sunday was Brazilian Fathers’ Day, and, as we have every year, the Ebenezer congregation honored the fathers that gathered there. That, however, is not the important thing about this picture. There are several…
A few weeks ago I blogged about the month of May being family month in many Brazilian churches, including ours. This year our ladies society planned several activities in conjunction with this event, the last of which occurred yesterday: a family picnic. While not everybody was able to attend (several of our men have jobs…
Such lovely decorations!
Yes. Also, blowing up those balloons was an adventure…