The Day of the Pastor
Here in Brazil, among evangelical churches, yesterday was “Pastor’s Day” – a Sunday where churches take a moment to honor the men who serve the flock by bringing them the Word week in and week out, “in season and out of season”.
We actually celebrated the event twice this year, once on Saturday at an event hosted by our regional ladies association…
…and in a special service at Ebenezer last night.
Call me biased, but I think this is a great tradition, in keeping with Biblical injunction. Our church went out of its way to make Pastor Francivaldo and myself feel loved. And we are indeed blessed and privileged to be able to serve in this way.
Before the service last night I was reading Arthur Pink’s “The Life of David”, and came across this relevant quote, aimed at pastors who may be discouraged for lack of results (full disclosure…I’ve been there):
“Fellow-servant of God, your sphere may be an humble and inconspicuous one; the flock to which God has called you to minister may be a small one; but faithfulness to your trust is what is required of you. There may be an Eliab ready to taunt you, and speak contemptuously of ‘those few sheep in the wilderness’ (I Sam. 17:28), as there was for David to encounter; but regard not their sneers. It is written, ‘His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord’ (Matthew 25:21).”
So to all my fellow pastors, whether or not you feel honored by those you serve, remember that God honors your faithfulness. Stay strong.
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