From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

From Upstate New York to Northeast Brazil

That title could serve as a summary of my life. Or…it could refer to a group of four intrepid “upstaters” who spent two weeks in August helping us build our camp kitchen. Yeah, we’ll go with the second option. Meet Christian, Allie, Jon and Christine. These two couples from one of our supporting churches got…

Camp Update: Pavilion Pillars in Place

Camp Update: Pavilion Pillars in Place

If you’ve been following our posts here, you know that, once our pavilion at camp was in place, we discovered that we needed to add two more pillars for extra stability. As the pictures in this post show, those pillars have now been built! A special thanks to the generous folks who donated the funds…

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps, Part 2

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps, Part 2

A quick follow up to yesterday’s post on the progress at camp. This morning several of the essential materials were delivered to the camp property – the roof, PVC for the stall doors and dividers, and the water box. We are still waiting on the wood for the roofing to be delivered – yet another…

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Today and tomorrow I am at the camp property with Pastor Francivaldo to check up on construction, purchase more materials, and pay workers. After our wildly successful work day on the first of this month, we faced two major hurdles: the truckers’ strike effectively killed our plans for a second work day, and several of…

Camp Construction Progress: Columns, Flooring, and Dividers

Camp Construction Progress: Columns, Flooring, and Dividers

We are currently in the city of Fortaleza at a conference, but the camp construction work continues. While en route between São Luís and Fortaleza, I received these pictures showing the latest progress. The links below are affiliate links. This means that clicking and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also,…