We’ve some catching up to do in the snapshots department, so let’s get started. As always, you can get these photographic updates by following us on Instagram.
This work of art was recently on display at one of our local shopping malls.
A couple details…
And a video…
We recently had some of our kids from Kids Club over to the house for a day camp. Here’s a video.
I’ll leave you with one final video…a sunset panorama taken from the top of a parking garage in São Luís.
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No real theme for this week’s pic drop… Doing my civic duty from overseas. If you’re interested in the rationale behind my choice, I wrote about it here. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) This next one…
Last week our association of churches held it’s third missionary conference. The speaker, Pastor Misael (who, incidentally, pastors the church where the Brazilian Bombshell and I were married almost 17 years ago) challenged us from the Word. Besides the biblical edification, conferences like these bring our churches together around a common cause, with the side…
Last night I got to do one of my favorite things in ministry: present a newborn baby to the church family. Little Angelo Miguel was born a little over two weeks ago, and his parents, Jadson and Maria, brought him to church for the first time last night. Together with his parents, our congregation solemnly…
It’s been an eventful two weeks since our last Snapshots post. As always, you can keep up with what is happening in our lives and ministry by following us on Instagram. We have a few video clips this week. First up, some lovely butterflies Itacyara filmed in our yard: Last Sunday I played one of…
Here are some pictures of our life on the mission field over the last two weeks. As always, subscribe to our Instagram account to get these in “real time”. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means…
Here are a few more glimpses into our daily lives as missionaries in Brazil. To get these as they happen, follow us on Instagram. You can read more about our preparations here. …an adaptation of an article I posted here. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil….