A pretty eclectic mix of photos this time. As always, follow us on Instagram to get these pictures in “real time”.
Preaching at Good News Baptist ChurchGiving a lecture to fellow students at the University. I swear I have more than one shirt.Taking a load of bamboo for use by our team of American workers the following week.We hosted a breakfast for area pastors and their wives in order to publicize our camp ministry.We had the privilege of going back to Ebenezer and bringing the devotional to their prayer meeting. Great to see old and new faces.Not something one sees often here in Brazil. Go Bucs!One of my favorite things to do…hang out with our association pastors. God has assembled a great team here in Maranhão.A recent visitor.Seen on the way to camp.
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Every year the Baptist Mid Missions missionaries in Brazil present a report of our activities to our colleagues. Here is our report for 2020. Introduction To say that 2020 was a challenging year would be to guilty of criminal levels of understatement. Due to China’s unexpected gift to the world, we were forced to cancel…
In our Camp Project Funding Meter we are beginning to put up new projects for the Mount Zion Baptist Camp. Today we made a trip to the camp property, and I made this little video to explain what still needs to be done on the pavilion/bathrooms.
This week’s snapshots include a little taste of the week we spent in conference, and some interesting things we saw along the way. There will be more extensive posts about both in the near future. As always, don’t forget that you can see these posts as they happen by following us on Instagram. ___________________ Did…
Tax deductible contributions can be made to our work here in Brazil via our mission agency, Baptist Mid Missions. Just go the Baptist Mid Missions homepage and click on the link that says “Give”. When the menu drops down, you can put our name in the drop down menu, and the amount you plan to…
The last one of these we did was in December (I’m so ashamed), so we have some catching up to do. So here, without further ado, are some pictures that have been featured on our Instagram account over the past four months. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry…